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Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting on a New Journey

I hope you have visited my blog because you are either looking to start up in business or are already in business, this is my very first attempt at writing a blog though it is not my first attempt at writing.

My husband and I ran several businesses over the last thirty five years. Both of us were business advisors for many of those years, this was before it was a sexy thing to be and when being an entrepreneur was a dirty word.

My book was written as a result of all my experiences of being an entrepreneur and business advisor and will shortly become available as an e-book.

Thanks to my husband James for his encouragement and patience whilst my-book was finished, so that the knowledge we have gathered over the years could be made available to a wider audience and not be wasted, without his support I would not have attempted writing it.

Also to the people who just because they thought I was crazy, gave me the passion to carry the project through.

Last but not least thank you to all the small and medium enterprises that worked with me, we have gained much from each other.

Are my ideas the only road to having a successful business? No I’m not that smug!. What I do know however is that the road to success that I’m about to reveal to you as been repeated many times by my clients and other and it as worked for them.

As retirement does not fit me I am now on a new road from a bricks and mortar business to an internet business and very excited as a whole new way opens up.

I’m sure my past experience will come in useful so I invite you to visit my blog again to gain some insight as to how things are progressing

“I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying. - Tom Hopkins”


Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to my blog

"I've just launched my new blog!

Stay tuned...

Best regards,