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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Survey Your Visitors

1. You'll find out what type of content visitors want to see at your web site. This will attract your visitors to revisit and read the content.

2. You'll find out how to improve existing productsor services. This will attract new customers to buy from your business.

3. You'll find out which products or services your customers would like to see you sell in the future.This will increase your back end product sales.

4. You'll find out how to improve your customer service. This will cut down on customer complaint sand how to better resolve problems.

5. You'll find out how to improve your sales letters or ads. This will increase your sales, traffic or ezine subscribers.

6. You'll find out what kind of articles or interviews they want to see in your free e-zine. This will raise your e-zine's readership.

7. You'll find out how to design your web site to fityour visitors needs and wants. This will increasethe time your visitors spend on your web site.

8. You'll find out what kind of non related productsor services your customers would buy. This will helpyour business easily move into a different market.

9. You'll find out how to better price your products.This will help you sell your products or services atat a price that will pull the most orders.

10. You'll find out were your potential customers are hanging out. This will inform you where to market and promote your products.



holm303 said...

Very good post. Without knowing for sure what your customers want you are just spinning your wheels and wasting time and resources.


GT said...

Hi, Rosalie:

This is great encouragement for us to focus on the customer and great info and guidance showing us what to look for and how it will improve our service. Thanks for posting!

:) GT Bulmer
Web Biz Opportunities

Unknown said...


Thank you for an excellent post and a good insight into the type of visitor you are getting and wish to get.

Sites can achieve a much greater conversion rate if they are tailoured to the right niche customer,

thank you for sharing,

