Willie Jolley Affiliates Banner #1

Friday, November 14, 2008



There’s nothing that’s certain… of THAT you can be certain!
The only certainty is that life is uncertain!
Once you surrender to the fact that you are unable to control
the uncertainty, you will, at last, be able to breath a sigh
of relief! A ‘deep’ acceptance that life is uncertain opens
the door to a powerful way of living.

There is a great adventure in the unknown
that propels us to discover powerful parts
of ourselves that we didn’t know were there.

Making the choice to live a life filled with
excitement and possibility is a first step.
Helping you take the next step… and the next… and the next…

Don’t wish for it to happen.
Don’t wish for it not to happen.
Just watch it happen.
Let the wonder of life unfold.

Destiny is a mysterious thing,
sometimes enfolding a miracle
in a leaky basket of catastrophe.


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